Friday, September 4, 2009

Few birds but another surprise to make the day!

Yesterday was 12 birds. How about 21 today? Twenty-one new birds and seven recaptures was the catch of the day. High pressure is still in control of the winds. Warblers seen today include Black-and-White, Chestnut-sided, Magnolia, American Redstart, Northern Waterthrush, and Ovenbird.
The highlight was this quiz bird. Take a look at the rich brown colors on its head. You see a glimpse of the dark triangle on its back and the white eye line? It is an important field mark.
Despite small numbers, there was an opportunity to see identifying features of a hatching year Ovenbird and Northern Waterthrush. Looking at the tertials, you can see the Ovenbird has rusty edged tertials and the Northern Waterthrush has buffy or tan edged tertials. This is the identifying age characteristic for these species.

Part two of the first quiz bird.

And if that does not help, how about whole bird!

Such a beautiful bird! The Marsh Wren rarely comes out of the marsh but it did today! Enjoy the day!

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